PC Rallies are now listed on the calendar
Please click on the Events section to see a listing of YHPC rallies and YARC rallies on the calendar.
Listed below are the latest news posts from Yarrambat Horse & Pony Club. The most recent posts are at the top of the list. For information about a specific topic you can search using the categories in the sidebar.
Please click on the Events section to see a listing of YHPC rallies and YARC rallies on the calendar.
We love to hear about our riders out and about competing, but remember to post your results within 90 days of competing. Results not posted …Read More
Hi Members, Firstly, a big thank you to Bec Cartwright for happily taking on the DC role at the April rally. From all accounts, a …Read More
We had our AGM meeting on Tuesday night. It was great to see most of last year’s committee choosing to continue on, we were unable …Read More
April 2014 40th Anniversary Celebrations On Saturday night, the celebration of our 40th anniversary year commenced with a function at the Yarrambat Golf Club. It …Read More
Dear Parents, Associate members and Life members, The Annual General Meeting of the Yarrambat Horse & Pony Club is to be held on: Date: Tuesday, …Read More
March 2014 Dear Members, We look forward to more pleasant riding conditions at our March rally. Well done to the many riders who braved the …Read More
Dear Members, As mentioned in earlier correspondence, the committee has been considering options that will enable our horses and riders to participate safely in our …Read More
Welcome back to another fun year at pony club. It was lovely to end the year on a really positive note by having a …Read More
Welcome back for 2014! We hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year and are ready for another successful year at YHPC. Zone …Read More